The Angry Canadiens - Visually Evil

Im so sick of this rotting away my mind
Im so sick of all the thoughts its left behind
I do it again and I do it again
And every time feel worse than before
the only way I can beat this
is to give it up to You
god cause I dont want these
feelings inside of me
cause every time it takes me further from you
Its ripping my heart away
its tainting and distorting all my views
As I exhale pushing the fumes out of my mind
I see Your face and I see I've been wasting all my time
All the wasted nights and blissfull lies And things I knew not to do
Its like a prowling beast
You cant run from
It wont stop till its devoured you
Im done with this
Im done with this
Right now
I'll try this one more time
To get it right but I know I will say this fifty more times
And still end up where I began
I try to run but its like Im stuck in quicksand I cant go on living life this way
I know you can take this all away